Unprovoked attacks by sharks declined sharply in 2024, according to new figures from an international database compiled by ...
Shark depredation is a hot-button issue in recreational fishing, as anglers face off against these stealthy ocean bandits.
The whitefin swellshark has been assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as Critically Endangered for a number of years due to declines largely attributed to fishing ...
Half of the unprovoked shark attacks in the U.S. last year took place along the Florida coastline, new data shows.
The ink of the cuttlefish could transform how sharks are deterred from hunting near swimmers, according to new research.
Shark depredation is a rising issue in recreational fishing, especially in Florida, where sharks steal fish straight off anglers' lines. Researchers harnessed citizen science -- social media, angler ...
The United States continues to be the most likely country in which to get bitten by a shark, according to the annual ...
New research reveals that despite decades of overfishing, shortfin mako sharks in the Atlantic still have relatively high ...
Analysis of shark attacks across the globe last year has revealed a surprising trend. Some 47 unprovoked attacks were ...