I once submitted ten puns to a joke competition ... Chicken sees a salad. What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador. Where would you find an elephant? The same place you lost her.
Brace yourself to enter the Captain Underpants cinematic universe. The immensely silly, pleasantly bonkers Dog Man started life as a comic book written by the two primary-school protagonists of ...
Would you rather go 30 days without the internet or showers? This list of absurd, funny, and thought-provoking questions is ...
K9 Hurricane, a 16-year-old Belgian Malinois who was the most decorated dog in U.S. history, has passed away. “As much as we knew this time was coming there was no way to prepare. We miss him so ...
On Tuesday, Feb. 25, the actor, 52, announced the death of his dog Hobbs in an Instagram carousel of photos and videos of himself spending time with his furry friend over the years. “RIP ...
The Duchess of Sussex announced in early 2025 that her rescued beagle died, but he plays a part in her new Netflix show Meghan, Duchess of Sussex/Instagram Meghan Markle’s beloved rescue beagle ...
You can get in touch with Liz by emailing e.oconnell@newsweek.com. Hearts are melting over a video of a dog begging to go out into the apartment complex's hallway to greet his best friend.
Dog behavior is complex, so it can be hard to tell how our pups feel, whether happy, unhappy or somewhere in between.
When it comes to making a car that's great for dog owners, there isn't one correct formula – it all depends on the needs of each owner. However, there is one factor that tends to be key ...
Whatever your four-legged friend prefers, the best dog beds will help them get some decent shut-eye in comfort. Dog beds come in all shapes and sizes, with wipe clean and orthopaedic designs ...