If you missed the registration deadline, you can still conditionally register and vote provisionally at the Registrar’s ...
Though the terms of any negotiated payment are not estimated in the current feasibility report, a preliminary financial study ...
Candidates hit the ground running before current San Diego County supervisors officially committed to the special election to ...
SAN DIEGO (FOX 5/KUSI ... Should the special election head to a runoff, the Registrar of Voters will hold that contest in early July. Postcards with preliminary information on the race ...
This can be tricky: Library and parks supporters and the San Diego Municipal Employees Association are still in court challenging the Registrar of Voters after it determined that they had not ...
What happens now: I talked to Priscilla Mumpower, the assistant executive officer of San Diego LAFCO. She said they need 6,800 valid signatures from La Jolla voters so LAFCO contracts with the County ...
Imperial Beach mayor Paloma Aguirre, Chula Vista deputy mayor Carolina Chavez, Chula Vista mayor John McCann and San Diego City ... According to the Registrar of Voters, the election could cost ...
What happens now: I talked to Priscilla Mumpower, the assistant executive officer of San Diego LAFCO. She said they need 6,800 valid signatures from La Jolla voters so LAFCO contracts with the County ...
SAN DIEGO — Voters in San Diego County's First ... Early voting begins Monday, March 10 at the Registrar of Voters office in Kearny Mesa, 5600 Overland Ave., but residents can vote at home ...
of La Jolla’s 26,144 registered voters in support of the cityhood initiative ended Dec. 1, and the association submitted nearly 8,000 signatures to LAFCO and the San Diego County registrar of ...