The SR-71 could fly at Mach 3.2 (around 2,100 miles per hour)—lightyears faster than anything the Soviet Union could throw at it.
As the Cold War between the United States and USSR was heating up, U.S. policymakers desired new aerial platforms that could circumvent the Soviets’ advanced air defense systems. The resulting ...
High-Flying SR-71 Meant High Prices The “SR” stands for Strategic Reconnaissance and that was the main mission. It was a record-setter in speed - flying MACH 3.2, and in altitude - hitting a ...
With a top speed of Mach 3, a service ceiling of 85,000 feet, and an 11,820-foot-per-minute rate of climb, the SR-71 could fly so fast, and so high, that the supersonic jet was capable of simply ...