An image and a fleeting video captured by a Russian drone of the previously unidentified high-speed UAV suggests yet another stage in Kyiv’s development of unmanned aerial weapons.
75 Rudders have been shipped to our EU hub to top up the original shipment. This will give coverage to our EU ...
South Korea conducted major maintenance on an US dry cargo ship, "a landmark achievement," the US Naval Forces Korea ...
One of the striking features of the current age of pessimism in world politics is that the pursuit of global good is no ...
Elocin Hotels has requested North Lanarkshire Council give the thumbs up for this revised version of the project to convert ...
The state Transportation Department will establish a grant program to improve sidewalks around public schools under Senate Bill 141. $38B Highway Backlog: Bill highlights Republican’s highway funding ...
Michael Matheson’s sudden anouncement he will step down at the next Holyrood election has a reader scratching his head ...
Maine-based Stephens Waring Design is celebrating the delivery of a new 68-foot ocean cruiser, custom designed for an ...
Modern planes really are just flying ships Next time you’re on a plane, take a moment to appreciate its nautical roots.
Looking for some expert sailing performance and racing advice? Jon Emmett looks at boat trim and asks, is flat always fast?
For its time, the design of the copter was visionary ... a barometric device was used to control altitude. The gyros, rudder, and elevator were controlled using pressurized air.