Your hay bales might be shedding weight faster than a steer on Ozempic,” Mizzou hay specialist Rob Kallenbach quips.
Storms rampaged through the commonwealth Sunday afternoon and evening, with many areas of Clinton and Centre County experiencing extensive damage to property and roadways. Between 3 and 7 p.m., Centre ...
At 100 acres Rancher’s Reserve isn’t TV’s “Yellowstone,” but this South Florida farm is aiming to grow a ranch-to-restaurant ...
Source: Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet BAE-1716 “Round Bale Hay Storage”. Table 2. Percentage (%) dry matter loss of round hay bales. Obviously, it would be ideal to store the hay inside, ...
All prices per ton unless noted. Total loads: 79. Alfalfa: 140.00-290.00. Baleage: 26.00-65.00 bale. Alfalfa Mix: 150.00-300.00, 5.00-7.90 small bale. Brome Grass: 25 ...
The committee considered an application for the farm, which already hosts a number of evening events a year, to permit ...
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Small homeware upgrades such as buying the best bath towels can have a big impact on the look and overall experience in your ...
Finally, there was a break in the weather, it was a nice day, and the sun had been shining. I decided it was a good time to follow the Cow ...
- Call (306)778-3247 from 11:30 a.m. to Noon, on Tuesday and Thursday. - Ads sent in by e-mail or letter will be read on-air. - Make sure to include a phone number. - Ads must be legible. (Please note ...