We love a happy hour deal; it's a great way to enjoy adult beverages and food specials without breaking the bank. Our newly updated southern Maine happy hour guide features more than 80 spots where ...
vd på Åbro Bryggeri som tillverkar Rekorderlig Cider, till DI. Han menar att en så hög frukthalt skulle göra drycken nästintill odrickbar. Richard Bengtsson, chefsbryggare på Spendrups, ...
Drink specials include $3 Shipyard Discovery, $4 Narragansett, $5 well drinks, prosecco and Rekorderlig Cider and $6 Weihenstephaner. On the food front, dig into $4 chips and salsa, $6 pretzels ...
Aldi has been defeated by Somerset drinks company Thatchers in a bitter legal battle over a “copycat” cloudy lemon cider. In a “watershed” ruling from the Court of Appeal, a panel of three ...
Cider producer Thatchers has successfully won an appeal in a long-running trademark battle with supermarket chain Aldi. The Somerset company sued the supermarket chain in 2022 over claims Aldi had ...
Looking for something else to bump up your health game? Consider adding apple cider vinegar to your diet. This pungent pantry staple is often mixed into salad dressings and other recipes ...