The decision to remove a public cardboard recycling bin was not an easy one, says a local leader. But the decision needed to ...
Only certain takeout containers are recyclable in most places. Putting errant boxes in the blue bin only clogs up the system.
Chances are that most of those shipping boxes end up in the recycling bin, but with zero work on your part some of those ...
H’ers learn to be more aware of the waste they generate and ways to reduce their impact on the planet and encourage others to ...
A local authority has asked residents not to put sharp items in their recycling boxes to "keep staff safe". Douglas Council ...
Albert, known for crafting intricate collages using cereal boxes and other printed cardboard consumer packaging, spoke to ...
The City of Madison Streets & Urban Forestry Division is reminding Madisonians of the items that can and cannot be recycled ...
Members of Indian Creek High School’s FFA are closing in on their goal of recycling plastic bags for a unique project.
Confusion about curbside composting has been rising as April 1 approaches. That is when buildings in New York City that don’t ...
A spokesperson for Douglas City Council says blades and similar sharp objects can present a ‘danger’ to refuse and recycling ...
Cardboard pizza delivery boxes can now be thrown into recycling containers for card in Copenhagen Municipality, making the ...