The saying goes that time makes the heart grow fonder. Well, a prominent Andover couple was reunited on Valentine’s Day after years apart – 144 to be exact. That is, their portraits were together ...
Lt. R. S. Williamson led portions of the southern survey, aided by Lt. John Parke. It was Parke and his team who traversed ...
The Underground Railroad Education Center in Arbor Hill is expanding.The current building is a community staple, sharing ...
At a presentation on Thursday, historian Karen Sieber will share her findings on Minnesota's connection to freeing enslaved Black Americans via the Underground Railroad in the mid-1800s.
For generations, the Underground Railroad has been the quintessential story of resistance against oppression. Yet, the story ...
The Cozad-Bates house was not a stop on the Underground Railroad — it was a training ground for abolitionists.
PONTIAC â€” Within its first decade of operation, the Underground Railroad was estimated to have helped about 100,000 enslaved ...
An opera about the Underground Railroad has interesting ties to Lexington and one of its greatest basketball players.
Della Moore, co-founder and director of the African American Center for Cultural Development in Olean, is celebrating Black ...
A church in Huntingdon County is reflecting on its past during Black History Month. Payne Church, located on Moore Street in ...
Tucked amidst the towering structures of Cleveland’s University Circle, an old brick house stands as a testament to the ...
The ferry operator pulled his large flatboat to the edge of the Virginia shore of the Ohio River. He watched and listened ...