Another anticipated event is Desaru International Bike Week ... also shine the spotlight on lesser-known destinations such as Pulau Mawar and the islands off Mersing, with their pristine beaches ...
The official Desaru Coast website outlines the region ... A small island celebrated for its immaculate white sands and vibrant coral reefs, Pulau Rawa is a paradise for snorkelling and diving ...
JAKARTA, - Presiden RI Prabowo Subianto berencana membangun penjara di pulau terpencil bagi koruptor. Menurut Prabowo, penjara tersebut akan dibuat di tempat terpencil agar tidak bisa kabur ..., Jakarta - Penghargaan anual DestinAsian Readers’ Choice Awards telah merilis daftar pemenang tahun ini, dan di kategori pulau terbaik di Asia, Bali berada di peringkat pertama. Edisi ...