In 1984, Big Brother opted to leave the pubs alone, trusting that if ‘the Proles’ were left to content themselves with football, gambling and beer, good order would naturally be maintained.
The year is 1984. It’s Super Bowl Sunday and you turn on the TV to see a procession of stern men marching through a tunnel. No, it’s not the Los Angeles Raiders. It’s the most important ...
Apple's iconic "1984" commercial, which introduced the Macintosh computer to the world, aired 41 years ago today during Super Bowl XVIII. Directed by Ridley Scott, the advertisement was designed ...
The Royal Mint said the commemorative coin is being released to mark the 75th anniversary of the author’s death George Orwell, author of 1984 and Animal Farm, will be celebrated on a new £2 ...
Helping news, media, brands and institutions leverage our world-class content and cutting-edge services to drive value to their audiences and business. AP staff in and around Washington were already ...