A divided forest preserve board, though, recently voted to approve a scaled-back version of what the consultant had ...
These are on top of a major review at Galway’s Portiuncula University Hospital, which — like MUH — is also run by the Saolta University Healthcare Group. As well as commissioning external ...
If you're an architecture buff, take some time to check out the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, which was constructed beginning in 1869. Located a block east of the Santa Fe Plaza ...
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Ed Assisi non poteva essere una eccezione. Nella città di san Francesco dall'inizio dell'Anno della Misericordia sono state aperte 4 Porte Sante che segnano i punti salienti del percorso giubilare che ...
In the News is a daily podcast by The Irish Times that takes a close look at the stories that matter, in Ireland and around the world. The show is hosted by Sorcha Pollak and Bernice Harrison and ...
Da qui partirono i primi frati, inviati da Francesco, ad annunziare la pace. Qui, la notte della domenica delle Palme del 1211, il Santo accolse Chiara di Assisi e la consacrò al Signore. Fu qui che ...