This sacred event aimed to renew the faith of Ireland while honoring the enduring missionary legacy of St. Patrick by ...
Built on land donated by Pope Pius XI to the theologian and physician Agostino Gemelli in 1934, it has become known as the "Pope's Hospital." John Paul II even nicknamed it "Vatican Three," with St ...
Pope Pius XI served as pope for 17 years, from 1922 until his death in 1939. His papacy occurred during a turbulent period in world history, with the rise of fascism, the Great Depression, and the ...
But the Nazis quickly violated its articles. In Lent 1937 Pope Pius XI issued the encyclical "Mit brennender Sorge" (With burning sorrow) with the help of German bishops and Cardinal Pacelli ...
“Gandhi’s Scant Garb Bars Audience with Pope.” So read the headline of a New York Times report, from December 13, 1931, that the Vatican had cancelled a meeting between Pius XI and “the ...
Twenty years ago, as Pope St. John Paul II entered the last weeks of his life, I wrote that a papal “deathwatch” — as some inelegantly styled it — was really a “lifewatch.” John Paul ...
It is the sixth consecutive year that Pope Francis has not participated in a joint Lenten retreat with the cardinals of the Roman Curia.
The injection rallied Pius XI for the saS and solemn ministrations reserved, by centuries of tradition, for the last moments of a Pope. To Lorenzo Cardinal Lauri, Grand Penitentiary of the Holy ...
Built on land donated by Pope Pius XI to the theologian and physician Agostino Gemelli in 1934, it has become known as the "Pope's Hospital." John Paul II even nicknamed it "Vatican Three," with ...
The ailing pontiff upholds Christian values by speaking truth to power. The Pope is David to Trump’s Goliath I never thought a battle over good and evil would play out in my lifetime between my ...
Pope Pius XI signed the Lateran Treaty of 1929, which established Vatican City as an independent state. This marked a shift from territorial rule to moral and spiritual authority. The 20th century ...