Kenyan parents are facing increased financial strain after Members of Parliament approved additional school charges, further ...
We warned about it, but it still sank. We cannot allow the University of Nairobi to follow the same path,” cautioned Lugari MP Nabii Nabwera, a sentiment shared by Kisii Woman Representative ...
Advertisement. Scroll to continue reading. Lugari MP Nabii Nabwera said farmers in the Western region were eager to diversify to coffee farming, asking for quality seedlings. Gichugu MP Gichimu ...
Deputy President Kithure Kindiki says coffee farmers will earn more this year, 2025, owing to key interventions by the ...
The Clerk of the National Assembly, Samuel Njoroge, led Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff in a requiem mass at St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church, South C, Nairobi, in honor of ...
Wakati dunia inaadhimisha siku ya wanawake, Machi 8 kila mwaka. wako wanawake wengi wamefanya makubwa katika maisha yao. Marie-José Loshi aliondolewa na kutenganishwa na familia yake akiwa na ...
Insulini ni homoni muhimu inayozalishwa kwenye kongosho inayosaidia kudhibiti sukari ya kwenye damu. Ikiwa kongosho hutoa insulini kidogo sana au mwili hautumii insulini ipasavyo, matatizo mengi ...
Rai hiyo imetolewa na Nabii wa Kanisa la Heavenly Image Manifest (HIM), Nabii Edmund Mystic, alipokuwa akizungumza na waandishi wa habari jana jijini Dar es Salaam kuhusu mkesha mkubwa wa kuliombea ...
Background: Despite poor menstrual hygiene practices exposing adolescent females to reproductive health problems, it has not been adequately studied in low-income countries. Due to a lack of proper ...