The house mouse (Mus musculus) is one of the most common mammals worldwide. It can be found in all parts of the United States and Southern Canada. Adults are about five to seven inches long ...
of which one is also called Mus. This subgenus contains all of the "true old world mice" including the house mouse M. musculus — the main focus of this book. A humorous view of mouse evolution is ...
Among the losses were: Adding to this devastation, house mice (Mus musculus) also made their way to the island around the same time, likely aboard ships like the SS Makambo. Though smaller than ...
We discovered a runted 10-week-old juvenile male mouse in our animal research facility at the Children's Cancer Research Institute in San Antonio, TX. For breeding purposes, we classified the ...
They tested the venom on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), mice (Mus musculus) and a Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis), a potential predator of velvet ants. One of the peptides that the team ...
Kaum ein Organismus hat so vom Menschen profitiert wie die Hausmaus (Mus musculus). Ursprünglich vom indischen Subkontinent stammend ist sie dem Menschen auf seinen Wanderungen einfach gefolgt und hat ...
Mus musculus, Hausmaus, Ehouse mouse, von ihrer Urheimat (Südeuropa, Asien) ausgehend heute in vielen Formen weltweit verbreitete Maus-Art; Kopfrumpf- und Schwanzlänge je 7-10 cm; Oberseite grau, ...
But what do these models reveal about us? Mus musculus House mouse Commonly used to study genetic principles and human disease Rattus norvegicus Brown rat Commonly used to study genetic principles ...