How would you make a living in medieval London? What jobs were available? In this video, medieval historian Dr Eleanor Janega ...
It's Medieval-core! How London's fashion set became obsessed with Joan of Arc and suits of armour - Fashion is swooning for ...
Southeast London's Eltham Palace is an unusual marriage of medieval and Tudor architecture and the opulent interior-design ...
London (or as it was known then ... of the fifth century as the Empire collapsed and Londinium was abandoned. The remains in the Museum's medieval collection are surprisingly sparse - until you ...
"In medieval times there were several standards (columns or towers) dotted around the City of London. Where and when were these built, and for what purpose?" These standards are to do with the ...
UofL Assistant Professor of Anthropology Kathryn Marklein co-authored a study that contradicts past literature about the ...
While you’re there, you could wander through the picturesque Old Town, visit the Golden Roof (a 15th-century landmark covered in 2,657 gilded copper tiles), or take the Nordkette cable car for ...
A rare medieval bishop's ring was found by a man exploring in Norfolk with his metal detector and is expected to fetch £18k ...
The medieval English writer Richard Devizes describes London as being populated by ‘Garamantes’ (Moorish Africans), and ‘men from all nations’ that ‘fill all the houses.’ These ...