Data from the Mars Express orbiter has been used to create a visualization of "a vast system of deep and steep valleys that ...
A massive meteor strike on Mars sent shockwaves across the planet, revealing that some of its tremors weren’t tectonic but ...
For the first time in human exploration of Mars, the presence of a stable, subterranean body of salty (briny) water has been strongly suggested by data returned by the European Space Agency’s ...
One of the news items that generated the most chatter among Hackaday editors this week was that ESA’s Mars Express mission is receiving a software update. And they’re updating the operating ...
The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) is Germany's most important contribution to the European Space Agency (ESA) Mars Express mission. The main objective of this mission, which reached Mars in ...
On this date, Jan. 18, 2004, the European Space Agency’s Mars Express finalized mapping of the Red Planet’s south pole. The probe’s OMEGA instrument, which combined data from a camera and an ...
Using data from the ESA's Mars Express mission, they determine that these features tend to top out at the same height as the nearby plateau. And, using data from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter ...
as well as the European Space Agency's Mars Express and ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, McNeil's team showed that the Martian buttes and mesas are made from layered deposits, and among those layers are ...