In some parts of the U.S. drug deaths have plunged to levels not seen since the fentanyl crisis exploded. Addiction experts ...
The groundhogs have had their say, now it's time for the skunks. Skunk cabbages, that is. Another sign of spring in Ohio has been spotted.
February is the peak of breeding season for coyotes and continues into March, according to the Missouri Department of ...
One couple says the birds came with their house. Their neighbors say the duo won’t stop feeding the scavengers, and the town ...
A cow was among many of the animals that tested positive for rabies in Frederick County last year. The Frederick Couty Health Department Environmental Health Division released a list of animals that ...
While most use winter as a chance for hibernation, around eight dozen people swarmed to the Brown County Music Center for the ...
Related NOAA study ranks groundhogs for weather-predicting accuracy ... NOAA's data comes from many sources to provide a more complete picture of developing climate and weather conditions.
Many of our favorite garden veggies are annuals ... Birds, rodents like squirrels and groundhogs, rabbits, and deer could be ready to nibble on your garden, depending on where you live.
Longtime readers of this column know I have a strained relationship with groundhogs ... Perhaps that’s why so many cultures worshipped a sun-based deity, because all of Earth’s life starts ...
Fish, frogs and turtles slowed their metabolism for winter and burrowed into the ground to survive in a state of dormancy. Some insects overwinter as larvae, nymphs, eggs or pupae. Some hibernate.