More Kenyans are resorting to alternative sources of power, particularly solar photovoltaic (PV), to take advantage of the falling prices of solar components such as panels, inverters, and batteries.
Urusi inasema hakuna mazungumzo yoyote yatakayofanyika baina yake na Marekani yatakayofanyika Saudi Arabia kuhusu kuondoa ...
What is one key change you believe needs to happen—whether in the workplace, community, or society—to create real progress for women, and how can you (or have you) contributed to making it happen?
The body was discovered at the scene after the fire was contained in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Mbae said the fire broke out at around 12.30 am and was reported to the Mlolongo police ...
It was heartbreaking to watch.” Omworo and his son lived in a tiny mabati house in the heart of Mathare 4A—a humble home that had been their refuge amid the slum chaos. “It was always just ...
Kwa upande mwingine, sekta ya umma inaonyesha tofauti kubwa, kwani hakuna mfanyakazi anayelipwa chini ya Sh300,000. Gharama za maisha zinaendelea kupanda kila uchwao kutokana na kupanda kwa bei ya ...
Mbeya. Mkazi wa Mapelele jijini Mbeya, Evaristo Mwakyoma (69) amehukumiwa kutumikia kifungo cha maisha jela baada ya kupatikana na hatia ya kumlawiti mtoto wa jirani yake mwenye umri wa miaka mitano.