Tehnologija LTPO je prisoten tudi tukaj in doseže do 120Hz ... Razlika je v tem, da imamo senzor TOF 3d LiDAR za globino. Še ena zanimivost je, da tudi z manj lečami omogoča spreminjanje mm nekaterih ...
LiDAR and vSLAM are two of the most popular navigation methods used by today's best robot vacuums. Working in conjunction with various sensors, they help the robot vacuum find its way around your ...
But what separates the SUPER from other much faster racing drones capable of 100+ mph (160+ km/h) that can turn on a dime is that the SUPER runs on AI and has 3D LiDAR onboard. That is ...
V skupini Interblock dela na razvoju aplikacij tehnologij strojnega vida, osredotočenih na človeka. "Vsaka nova tehnologija, ki stopi na trg, ima lahko izjemen vpliv na našo družbo, tako dober kot ...
Innoviz lidar is used to enable level 3 autonomous driving in the BMW 7 Series ...
Ta premislek je po njenih besedah nujen del razvoja. "Vsaka nova tehnologija, ki stopi na trg, ima lahko izjemen vpliv na našo družbo - tako dober kot slab," so njene besede povzeli v sporočilu za ...
6-axis IMU + Velodyne/Ouster/Robosense LiDAR (Livox LiDAR can be also supported if the data of which is tansformed to the format of velodyne's, i.e., PointXYZRT.) Install depends follow the ...
A LIDAR technology company that builds high-resolution, digital 3D lidar sensors for use in autonomous vehicles, industrial, robotics, etc.