“Data and Transparency. To increase LIHTC data transparency, a new section was added (Sec. 801, and 801 (a) in the Senate ...
Gov. Mills' proposal will also save Mainers' lives and reduce long-term health care costs. I am writing to express my support ...
Some who oppose Proposition 8, Battle Ground schools’ levy proposal, argue, “Test results are terrible, so why keep paying for failure?” This is a flawed argument.
Last Friday’s article on last Monday’s council workshop about the sludge biosolids digester proposal at the Landing gives plenty of coverage to Viridi, the developer, but less to the many ...
County commissioners delayed a decision Dec. 31 on renewing their support to the Lincoln Prosperity Proposal in a letter to Montana’s congressional delegation after concerns were raised.
At first blush, Mr. Bonneau’s proposal that parents should fund their own children’s education sounds reasonable (“Reject Ridgefield school levies,” Our Readers’ Views, Jan. 29). But two seconds worth ...
The letter lists several federal education priorities, including expanding the free school meal program operated by the U.S.
Governor Kathy Hochul announced a plan to offer free tuition, fees, books, and supplies at New York State public community colleges for adults aged 25 to 55 pursuing degrees in high-demand fields like ...
Kudos to Gov. Armstrong for his superior proposal on property tax relief and reform. I urge the North Dakota Legislature to approve this proposal as soon as possible. Jim Bond lives in Fargo.
The North Dakota Supreme Court's rulemaking committee voted unanimously last week to adopt changes to how court transcriptions are prepared.
I have seen that there is yet another planning proposal for 15 holiday lodges on ... provide high quality and trusted local news on this free-to-read site, I am asking you to also please purchase ...
Sage’s board of directors said that the proposal “significantly undervalues” the company and is not in the best interest of ...