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VEĽKÁ IDA. Pre obec Veľká Ida v okrese Košice-okolie naďalej platí upozornenie na smogovú situáciu pre častice PM10.
Pope Francis was in critical condition Saturday after he suffered a long asthmatic respiratory crisis that required high flows of oxygen, the Vatican said.
Futbalisti FC Košice prehrali v 21. kole Niké ligy s dovtedy posledným Ružomberok 1:2. Už od 7. minúty bez vylúčeného Jána ...
31. januára si policajná hliadka všimla na Mlynskej ulici jednonohého invalida, ktorý ponúkal na predaj ďalekohľad. Predviedli ho na políciu, kde sa zistilo, že ďalekohľad na zozname ukradnutých ...
A total of 67 percent of respondents support a change to the election law that would result in a higher proportion of MPs from Slovakia's regions, while 23.1 percent of respondents to a representative ...
In late January, independent Košice city councillor Michal Djordjevič visited Moscow and the city of Voronezh in southwestern ...
Speculation mounts over Polestar 7 production in Slovakia as Chinese-backed EV brand seeks to navigate EU tariffs.
This article was first published on Rigzone here. MOL Group has reached a milestone toward producing diesel fuel c ...
Polícia vyšetruje víkendový prípad krádeže v nemocnici v košickej Šaci. Vo veci bolo začaté trestné stíhanie pre prečin krádeže a prečin ...
Valaliky/Bratislava, February 17 (TASR) - The construction of the Kosice-Saca-Kosicke Olsany R2 expressway section has progressed, and the entire stretch is likely to be completed and opened this year ...