Current local time in Abidjan (Africa/Abidjan timezone). Get information about the Africa/Abidjan time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current ...
Hosts Ivory Coast completed one of Africa Cup of Nations' most memorable comebacks to be crowned champions of Africa for a third time as Nigeria were beaten 2-1 in Abidjan. Nigeria captain and ...
No kids. My current girlfriend (of nine months) and I are in love, enjoy a healthy relationship and communicate easily. My girlfriend has explained to me that she is okay with my friendship with ...
Unlike his father, Damon Wayans Jr. is no stranger to a privileged upbringing, but there’s one memory from his childhood that stands out as a “biggest complaint”—and it involves none other ...
A mom has put her ex on blast after his new girlfriend’s attempts to hijack their co-parenting agreement. She shares an eight-year-old son and six-year-old daughter with her former partner ...
Horror movies use terrifying imagery and disturbing situations to scare the audience. Nothing could be further from comedy, right? In fact, movie makers have been spoofing horror since the ...
Dear Eric: My brother is 22 years old and has always had a girlfriend, though none of the relationships have ever lasted. His previous girlfriends have been controlling and possessive, to the ...
His current girlfriend seems to be the same way, but he is head over heels for her. Not only is she possessive and wants him to spend all his time with her, but it appears that she is a ...
Dear Eric: My brother is 22 years old and has always had a girlfriend, though none of the relationships have ever lasted. His previous girlfriends have been controlling and possessive, to the ...
Dear Eric: My brother is 22 years old and has always had a girlfriend, though none of the relationships have ever lasted. His previous girlfriends have been controlling and possessive, to the ...