That said, a crazy yet interesting theory suggests Luffy and the Straw Hats may have ... Pirates specifically to pit them against Kaido the next time he challenged him. As we know, this rematch ...
Yamato is the famed Kaido’s daughter, and he regards her as a ... and right now he is enjoying the time of his life while getting OP. Luffy sets off on his quest to become the next pirate king and is ...
Nami & Sanji - Confronting the Peak of Science, Luffy VS Kaido, Roronoa Zoro, Nami ... These are functionally useless with next to no levelling potential and are simply there to fill out rosters and ...
Luffy and Garp might be related but that doesn't mean they're similar. Kaido doesn't believe so when he compared him to other ...
Characters rarely die in One Piece, including villains defeated by Luffy. Kaido may still be alive after being knocked into a pool of magma by Luffy. Debate rages on in the community, speculating ...
Kaido’s mention of awakening during Joy Boy’s return connects to Luffy’s Sun God Nika form, reinforcing that the hat may be more than just identification. It could be a vessel of ancient ...
The latest chapter of One Piece brings us another set of surprises. Luffy meets Loki in Chapter 1130, and the latter mentions Shanks, someone the young Yonko admires. Loki notices Luffy wants to ...
One Piece's next break date has been decided ... some changes were made to Luffy, and a few mistakes were corrected.
We all love watching anime, whether it’s Luffy coming back from the dead and going Gear 5 to fight Kaido or Goku pushing past his limits and attaining Ultra Instinct against Jiren. The hype ...