Norizan Mat Diah, Marina Ismail, Putri Mazliana Abdul Hami and Suzana Ahmad of UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia developed a software to teach children Jawi calligraphy. UiTM lecturers are reviving Jawi, the ...
EDUCATIONIST groups Dong Zong and Jiao Zong welcomed the Education Ministry’s decision to “fine-tune” the implementation of Jawi calligraphy in the Year Four and Year Five syllabus ...
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs), Senator Dr Zulkifli Hasan (second, left) during the launch of Batik Jawi Calligraphy Collection by Indah Atelier. Also present, ...
IPOH: Learning khat or Jawi calligraphy should be part of the school's extra curricular activities, instead of being part of the Bahasa Melayu subject, says Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon. The MCA deputy ...