The second reason is that most infections cycle, so some years are worse than others. Doctors tend to see spikes of ...
The methionine cycle (MTC), also known as activated methionine cycle, is among those primary metabolic pathways affected by plant virus infection (reviewed in [1]). We found that PVA protein helper ...
An obligatory step during the malaria infection cycle is the development of Plasmodium sporozoites into thousands of merozoites in each hepatocyte. This development process occurs within the ...
Where did dengue originate? The origin of dengue is unclear, but scientists have recently proposed that dengue originated in Asian forests in an infectious cycle involving mosquitoes and primates.
The threadworm infection cycle begins when immature larvae excreted in the host poop develop into larvae. The infective larvae then crawl off the poop and into the soil to search for a host to infect.