The Reserve Bank of India seeks to boost the sluggish economy and sees inflation easing towards its 4% target.
Current local time in India Standard Time (India Standard Time time zone). Get information about the India Standard Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time ...
It is to be noted that Donald Trump has made the offer to provide India with US stealth fighter jets at a time when Russia is also keen on selling its Su-57 stealth fighters to India.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) reduced its key repo rate on Friday for the first time since May 2020, aiming to provide ...
The current bleak situation in Bangladesh does not necessarily mean that the future is hopeless for India. The final endgame ...
This report is from this week's CNBC's "Inside India" newsletter which brings you timely, insightful news and market ...
President Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India were holding a news conference after a private meeting, where, Mr.
Speaking at an event in Mumbai on Tuesday, Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) V. Anantha Nageswaran said that any changes to the ...
Royal Enfield has two flat track machines, raised from their existing models. The FT411 and FT450, based on the Himalayan 411 ...
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) cut its key repo rate for the first time in nearly five years on Friday and signalled a less ...