Through my years of covering the best outdoor gear, I’ve discovered some really cool brands with some really cool stories ...
Luke Combs: I first started turkey hunting about a decade ago when I moved to Nashville and started writing with some guys ...
If you're cold at the worksite, Milwaukee heated clothes might be a good way to keep you warm. Here's the difference between ...
The North Carolina chart-topper has enjoyed close ties with the outdoor performance brand throughout his career.
UTICA, N.Y. -- Today marks National Flannel Day, an ideal occasion to explore Utica's take on the beloved garment. The early 1900s was when the Utica Duxbak Corp. started, known for its innovative ...
and then went back and got ten ducks afterwards. Probably the best feat was by Darrel Zrust a high school student who, hunting near Cosmos, brought down three geese with one shot from his ...
The chimp has taken the gold! Michael Gracey's Robbie Williams biopic Better Man, which swaps the star for a chimp, has taken home the biggest film honour at this year's AACTA awards. Better Man ...
Although you can get away with any pattern that breaks up the human outline during deer season, (even a red flannel shirt), the best camo for turkey hunting needs to match your surroundings and make ...
“In a tree stand, I can shoot straight down,” he said about the bow not hitting the stand or being in the way of those hunting from a saddle or ground blind. “Anybody who shoots these and gets used to ...
If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission. If there's one thing to remember when hunting for the best back shaver, it's that there’s no shame in having a hairy back. In fact ...
Murdoch shared the news on a quarterly earnings call, but kept most details close to the vest. Scroll down for everything we know about the streaming service so far and keep checking back for more ...
He’s very strategic and plays his cards close to the vest. He’s a very successful businessman who is managing and overseeing a couple of companies, so he doesn’t have time for a lot of games ...