Tougher rules are to be brought in for houses in multiple occupation (HMO) in North Lincolnshire. The council has voted ...
Haringey Council has revised its penalty policy, increasing fines for rogue landlords to up to £30,000 per offence to protect tenants' rights ...
Labour faces a major challenge from its own backbenchers ahead of an announcement to restrict some sickness and disability benefits.
FAU’s Student Government Association (SGA) held their routine House meeting on March 14, their first meeting since spring ...
Restrictions look set to tighten for HMOs in Middlesbrough town centre and Middlehaven.
Proposed article 4 direction area for HMO developments in Preston New bedsits could effectively be banned from a large part ...
Haringey says its new guidance will see fines for letting agencies start at 'minimums' of £2,500 rising to £27,500 for most ...
Haringey Council ramps up fines to £30,000 for landlords, enforcing strict housing rules to protect tenants and boost ...
A council in north London has said it needs to bring back tougher rules to deal with "rogue landlords" of houses ... plans ...
But the powerful, GOP-led House Rules Committee has so far this session not sent the bill to a standing committee for a public hearing. During the House Democratic caucus’ weekly meeting with ...