At least one other proposal, which wasn't approved, called for demolition of the Colson Hotel building in Sarasota's Rosemary ...
The restoration project is looking for another $4 million from Florida State Legislature. The $7 million project will create ...
Historians from Eau Claire to Milwaukee are racing to preserve the 100-year legacy of Latino settlement in Wisconsin.
The enslavement of millions of Indigenous people in the Americas is a neglected chapter in U.S. history. Two projects aim to ...
Air Force engineers and archaeologists in Alaska have discovered a food cache on the Upper Cook Inlet southwest of Anchorage ...
That's why White and his team point to places like Farnsworth House and Monks Mound in Cahokia, near St. Louis. The prehistoric earthen mound has been slumping, and experiencing accelerated erosion, ...
Residents in the neighborhood of the Motown Mansion say they fear the nearby project's traffic and parking needs would hurt property values.
In one of his first secretarial orders, Doug Burgum ordered staff to review public lands with an eye toward opening them to ...
DeSantis delivered an unexpected punch to arts groups around Florida last year when he nixed the entire $32-million budget ...
University of Wyoming Extension will host the Southwest Wyoming Ag Day in Evanston Thursday, Feb. 20. The event provides ...
Why the stark 20th-century architectural style is back in vogue.
Spokeo used data published in the Journal of Urban Studies to explore which cities across the U.S. and Canada have ...