Current local time in Guadalcanal (Pacific/Guadalcanal timezone). Get information about the Pacific/Guadalcanal time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is ...
International Workplace Group (IWG), a multinational provider of flexible workspace solutions, on Wednesday said it is set to end the year with at least 50 open locations across the country as it ...
THE Member of Parliament for North West (NW) Guadalcanal, Francis Sade has taken the initiative to address the longstanding issue of road maintenance in the region, which has plagued constituents for ...
Credit: Public Domain The first few places that Odysseus visited were in the Aegean. This is because his starting location was Troy, in northwest Anatolia, and his destination was Ithaca, on the ...
And the latest location tracking nightmare to hit phone users shows the threat remains, despite new protections built into our iPhone and Android devices. NSA has warned users how to stop this ...
As with other Mr. Beast-related projects, Beast Games was a massive undertaking, with an incredibly high production budget and amazing filming locations. The content creator went to great lengths ...
With its intricate, carved-wood paneling and diamond-shaped glass panes, location scout Lori Balton thought the smoking room of the historic Andrew McNally House was just glorious. The distinctive ...
U.S. national security depends on maintaining influence and access across the Pacific—as it ensures that actors like China do not gain a security foothold in a region that hosts locations such as ...