A: These tawny owls with their dramatically outlined eyes spend their time in wide open spaces in their daily hunt for small rodents. You almost surely won’t see them in a city setting but you might ...
A barred owl made quite a stir in Arlington, Virginia, over the Christmas holiday. The bird evidently was playing Santa Claus ...
Screech owls are relatively common in a variety of wooded situations, including town parks and residential neighborhoods, but ...
One of the greatest joys of nature is that it is always showing you something new, if you are just willing to watch and listen. Thirty-one years of living in the same nature paradise has brought ...
Watch your backyard come to life as amazing owl species swoop through the night skies. Get to know the types of owls you ...
Last January, a winter storm dumped 9 tons of snow on the zoo, causing $2 million of damage to animal enclosures.
I sang along, loud. I think I might be becoming a very patriotic Mexican. Viva La Presidenta! Well, at least they elected a woman president. My wife, Jill, and I spent Christmas again in Mexico City, ...
On quiet, still winter nights, after great horned owls have successfully hooted their mating calls to each other from the tops of tall trees, it is time to lay eggs. A female great horned owl ...
One statistic from the recent Reading Christmas Bird Count on Dec. 15 that caught the eye of compiler Lucy has nothing to do with birds: There were 61 counters out in the field along with 19 feeder ...
Last year, only one great-horned owl was found on the Bernville count ... Other Bernville records include eight winter wrens, 427 American pipits and 532 red-winged blackbirds.