The Atlantic salmon is sometimes called the “king of fish” for its streamlined and powerful beauty. Members of the species undertake an epic journey to complete their life cycle, migrating from ...
LocalCoho, a pilot for potential other farms across the U.S., used cutting-edge aquaculture practices to raise coho salmon.
Every year, despite having to swim around 80 kilometers against the current, Atlantic salmon manage to reach the dam at the Navarrenx hydroelectric station in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques region.
Atlantic Salmon in New York Atlantic salmon were once very abundant in Lake Ontario and its tributaries. Early records and journals indicate that the largest producers of salmon included the Salmon ...
How Scottish salmon conquered the world How salmon make long journey home The plants process farmed Atlantic salmon that are raised in open-net farms in the region, a major centre for the province ...
Lobster landings are not negatively affected by Atlantic salmon farms,” the company said in a statement. Cooke is a global giant in aquaculture and describes itself as the world’s largest ...
The Atlantic salmon is sometimes called the “king of fish” for its streamlined and powerful beauty. Members of the species undertake an epic journey to complete their life cycle, migrating from ...