The Beatles: Get Back is an exhaustive document of this process that defies any notions of "process." Peter Jackson's trilogy of Disney+ documentaries more than earns its almost 8-hour running ...
More than perhaps anyone in music, Johns can truly say that his time with the Beatles was just another gig. Today, Johns is 79. He was 26 when he recorded Get Back. Does he feel a sense of closure ...
Ringo Starr may have been considered to have lacked the talent to write his own solo material, but he was able to find ...
Although they reshaped music as we know it, the Beatles never shied away from their influences. Their earliest albums ...
Until Get Back arrived in 2021. Using the same machine-assisted learning (or MAL, for short and hypothetically dedicated in name to the Beatles roadie manager, Mal Evans) used for Get Back ...
The Beatles: Get Back. In the silly parody, the comedian and late night host digitally inserts himself into the footage to play the band's fifth member. The parody is titled "The Gary Sessions ...
George Harrison left the band briefly during the Get Back sessions, frustrated with his role with The Beatles and the tense atmosphere they were working in. During a band meeting on September 20 ...