The first step to quickly transforming your yard into an orchard is selecting trees that fruit between one and five years.
Avocado production in South Africa has expanded markedly since the industry’s humble beginnings over 80 years ago. From a ...
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will host the 61st annual Texas Pecan Short Course on Feb. 18-21 in Somerville.
Researchers are developing robots that promise to automate a process that has always relied on human workers—and bees.
Fruit2U Packers, a stone fruit, table grape and citrus packer, recently installed solar panels so the packing house can keep the power on during South Africa’s frequent power outages, known as load ...
The downside to adopting the single-pass application is that it changes the harvest logistics to get the bins through the drencher before they are stacked to await loading, Matson said. Once harvest ...
protect your trees (and fruit yield), and prevent other trees in your yard or orchard from contracting the disease. Here are some things to be on the lookout that will help you spot fruit tree ...
The panels protect fruit from hail and sun damage but also let in ... a team built an unmanned vehicle with a propane-fueled heater that can roll through an orchard and automatically warm trees. Buono ...
When honey fungus reaches a garden, the consequences can be dramatic, as it has the ability to kill old and majestic trees and shrubs, which can be a real issue for orchard owners. While honey fungus ...
A community orchard in Hornsea held its first wassailing event earlier. The centuries-old tradition involves blessing fruit trees ahead of spring. Sharon Rawdon, who organised the ceremony ...
a fruit tree believed to be native to the Mediterranean region. The tree is a blend of a sour orange and lemon (citron) plant. The fruit looks like a round lemon and grows in Southern Italy.
Perhaps, you've sacrificed your dreams of planting a fruit orchard in your yard, because arranging male pollinators for your trees has exhausted all real estate. Or maybe you want to upgrade a frail ...