Fotbalisté nováčka nejvyšší soutěže Českých Budějovic prohráli v rámci letní přípravy s dalším ligovým týmem Příbramí 1:2.
Kolik stojí nasazení policistů u fotbalového zápasu, který nese fanouškovské riziko? Díky odpovědi Krajského policejního ...
Až se fotbalová Zbrojovka bude ohlížet za aktuální sezonou, zápasy s Varnsdorfem možná označí za klíčové zvraty podzimní ...
The 2025 Formula 1 season begins with F1 75 Live at London's O2 arena on February 18. The event features all teams, drivers, and team bosses unveiling new liveries live. Lewis Hamilton's debut ...
All 20 drivers were in attendance as the 10 teams unveiled their liveries for the new season at F1 75 Live — conceived to mark the sport’s 75th anniversary. Each team was given a seven-minute ...
Total firearms exported to U.S. from United Arab Emirates, 2010-2023: 11,228 (0.02% of all imported guns) Handguns exported to U.S. from United Arab Emirates, 2010-2023: 10,460 (0.02% of all ...
It plans to raise $10 billion, putting its value at $75 billion. Musk owns over half of xAI. Musk and xAI have made an offer for larger OpenAI for $97.4, which OpenAI has rejected. OpenAI has been ...
And to mark the occasion and kick off the upcoming season, every team and driver is heading to London for an incredible, one-off event: F1 75 Live. The get together, which starts at 8pm GMT on 18 ...
Marking the 75th anniversary of the sport, the 2025 Formula 1 season launched on Tuesday with a showcase event at the O2 Arena. The event saw each team -- in an F1 first -- reveal their liveries ...