Depending on what you've spent, claiming your medical expenses can get you a bigger refund. We walk you through everything ...
According to NBC, a University of Connecticut faculty member has been arrested by campus police for allegedly using ...
Many medical expenses qualify as tax-deductible under the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), she says, including hospital services, ...
According to NBC, a University of Connecticut faculty member has been arrested by campus police for allegedly using ...
If you paid cash and insurance reimbursed you, be sure to claim only the uncovered portion ... payee, amount, and expense type (more on that in a bit). And add a column for notes so that you ...
We often settle legal malpractice claims before they result in a publicly filed lawsuit. Many of our clients, who are lawyers ...
they will tell you whether you’ve hit the 7.5% threshold and can claim a deduction for medical expenses. You only have to tell them what you spent. Credit: FreeTaxUSA/PCMag (Medical expense page ...
A Whitehorse City Councillor elected in last year’s election had previously resigned from the role more than 15 years ago ...
You can be denied many tax breaks, but you can't be denied the dividend tax credit when you invest in Fortis Inc (TSX:FTS).
Sir Geoffrey Cox is one of five landlord MPs claiming their London rent on expenses while renting out property elsewhere in ...
Little Simz is suing her former producer Dean Cover, aka Inflo (who also helms the music collective SAULT), for allegedly ...