In 2000 or one year before the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001 (EPIRA, RA 9136), the primary energy consumption (PEC, for transportation, cooking, electricity, etc.) of these four ASEAN ...
The bill will amend section 50 of Republic Act 9136, otherwise known as the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (Epira) of 2001. Under the bill, the PSALM will continue to exist for a period of ...
The government is hopeful that Congress will soon pass a bill to establish a regulatory framework for nuclear power despite time constraints. Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Raphael Lotilla said ...
PSALM was created under Republic Act No. 9136, or the Electric Power Industry Reform Act of 2001, to oversee the privatization of NPC generation assets, liabilities, independent power producer ...
while the Philippine government owns the transmission assets through the National Transmission Corporation (TransCo). TransCo is a government agency created under Republic Act. No. 9136, the Electric ...
while the Philippine government owns the transmission assets through the National Transmission Corporation (TransCo). TransCo is a government agency created under Republic Act. No. 9136, the Electric ...
NGCP operates the country's power grid, while the Philippine government owns the transmission assets through the National Transmission Corp. (TransCo), a government agency created under the Republic ...