Wood, known as the "Desert Killer," is set to be executed after 5 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at the Texas Department of ...
When we oppose the actions we see around us, we can't give in to the bullies and tyrants, we must offer alternatives and work ...
They wrote in to r/AskHR, saying, "Long story short, I’ve decided to actively discriminate against Trump supporters in the ...
Police are investigating a fight that broke out on a middle school bus Thursday morning after two unauthorized family members ...
The Kennedy Center has a long history. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed bipartisan legislation creating a National ...
As we spring forward on Sunday from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m., anyone who is not a night owl will lose an hour of sleep. AAA is ...
Local officials reactions' to President Donald Trump's speech to congress Tuesday night split down party lines. Democrats found the speech disappointing, while Republican leaders found it impressive.
The Montana VA Health Care System is set to open a newly built, 8,000-square-foot clinic, at 1331 North 1st Street.
As of Feb. 27, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has recorded eight motorcycle fatalities in 59 crashes this year.
A Washington Post column trashed the Democratic Party's method of protesting President Trump's address to Congress, asking if ...
Christians should wage “spiritual warfare” against measles, Kenneth Copeland’s daughter preached, and have faith in health ...