Nigerians on social media are reacting after a Chrislam worship centre sprang up in Lagos. The video of the temple trended, with Nigerians sharing thoughts.
Rabbi Yosi says (the failure of) Haman’s power is our authority. Jews should always remember and celebrate our survival and our enemy’s downfall; not with hate, but by joy. Rabbi Simeon says it was ...
Robert Smith, Jr., Charles T. Carter Baptist chair of divinity at Samford University Beeson Divinity School, preached from 1 ...
After preaching on the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor in Luke's Gospel, the Rev. Daniel Kingsley shares how ...
Chikosi: "A one-million-dollar prize—just for prophesying what’s in a prophet’s hip pocket. Easy money if you’re a true ...
This is the mountain overlooking the Mediterranean Sea on which the prophet Elijah successfully challenged the priests of Baal and won the people to the true God. The feast of Our Lady of Mount ...
24:20; 1 Chron. 29:20; 21:21). Obadiah in 1 Kings 18:7 fell prostrate before Elijah showing him reverence for being a prophet of God. In the Ten Commandments, we are told to honor our mother and ...
How "compare-a-face" helped Church News reporter Aimee Cobabe recognize her grandmother's testimony of the Savior.
The number 40 appears more than 90 times in the Bible, symbolizing both trial and closeness to God. It echoes the 40 days Moses and the prophet Elijah spent on the mountain with God, the 40 days ...