Chawla completed her early education in Karnal before earning a degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Punjab Engineering ...
As per her wishes, Chawla’s remains were cremated and scattered at a national park in Utah. She was married to Jean-Pierre ...
The discovery that helium and iron can mix at the temperatures and pressures found at the center of Earth could settle a long ...
Great rivers of whale pee make a remarkable contribution to Earth's cycling of nutrients, a new study reveals.
"Scientifically there's a huge amount we can learn from asteroids," says Alan Fitzsimmons, an astronomer at Queens University ...
The discovery that helium and iron can mix at the temperatures and pressures found at the center of Earth could settle a long-standing debate over how our planet formed. Primordial helium from the ...
Babies naturally absorb and learn multiple languages from birth through caregivers, media, and background conversations.
Hundreds of thousands of women have traumatic births each year in the UK - and many struggle to bond with their babies as a result. Child psychotherapist Marie Derome says it's time for action ...
NASA’s Webb Telescope captured twin stars forming in Lynds 483, hidden in a dust cloud. The stars are shaping glowing ...
We don’t know for sure, but the answer is inextricably linked to the moment when water first materialized in the cosmos — and ...
Scientists discover Earth may have huge quantities of helium trapped in its core after finding it can mix with iron under extreme heat and pressure. . | Credit: Yuri_Arcurs via Getty Images ...
T here are multiple theories that explain the origin of life on Earth, but one of the most disputed ones was proposed in 1953 ...