It houses 54 life-sized bronze statues of scientists, philosophers and spiritual leaders, demonstrating that wisdom belongs ...
Urban parks in Kumasi, the capital city of Ghana's Ashanti region, are fast disappearing or in decline. Kumasi was designed 60 years ago as a "garden city", with green belts, parks and urban green ...
The $30 million Eastern Washtenaw Community and Recreation Center will replace the shuttered school, named after the first ...
Does scale matter when communicating spatial data and design? Absolutely—but there's more to it than just a ratio between map ...
A research team led by Rumi Chunara—an NYU associate professor with appointments in both the Tandon School of Engineering and ...
Experience the architectural diversity of Osaka, featuring iconic structures by renowned Japanese and international ...
Zeinabu irene Davis’s 1999 feature, a century-spanning vision of two deaf Black women in Chicago, is among the greatest ...
Floating communities, breakwaters and parks. New water taxi services, replanted eelgrass beds and sauna-based tourism. Reclaimed tank farms turned into ponds, marshes or parks. Covering shoreline ...
Concepts ranging from floating communities to elevated over-water bike paths populate the final exhibition of a multi-university design studio intended to help Portland and South Portland prepare for ...
Urban planners are envisioning a future free of traffic jams and smog, and rich with health, camaraderie and resilience.