The Space-Time Smackdown expansion is a few weeks old now in Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket, and it has shifted the game’s competitive landscape by leaps and bounds. Up to this point, Psychic decks ...
The Space-Time Smackdown update features Gen 4 Pokemon like Darkrai Ex in a unique deck. The most consistent deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket includes three Pokemon lines of different types and using ...
The most consistent decks in Pokémon TCG Pocket to help you win consecutive battles in the Triumpant Light SP Emblem event.
In fact whenever things do tilt a bit too far towards a certain deck in particular - looking at you, Mewtwo, Celebi, Darkrai and, as anyone familiar with my personal TCG toils will know I'm about ...
Pokemon TCG Pocket is celebrating the release of the Triumphant Light set with an SP Emblem Event, so learn all the details before joining in.
Arceus ex decks have potential to become some of the most meta decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket, but only if they're set up ...
For a long time, the word “Nintendo” was synonymous with video games, and Nintendo has always been shorthand for Mario. The ...
Now that there are three expansions out, while there are plenty of powerful new cards to be aware of (Darkrai ex is a popular breakaway), Pokémon TCG Pocket is finally in a place where the meta ...
Dialga’s titular card, Dialga ex, is the first strong Metal card in TCG Pocket as it can accelerate Energy onto the bench as well as dealing damage. Darkrai ex is a decent attacker as deals ...
A Flamin' Hot Cheeto in the shape of a Charizard – a Cheetozard, if you will – sells for $87,840, proving Pokemon fans really will spend their money on anything.
The new Pokemon TCG Pocket Space-Time Smackdown expansion has added a bunch of strong new cards and opened up this Dark-type deck based around Weavile ex and Darkrai ex. This is a high-power deck ...