The jump lists are the menus that Windows 11 displays when you click ... Pin to Start or Pin to taskbar in the Start menu and in the taskbar. You can customize the order of the icons displayed ...
Toggle the respective button you want to show in the Start Menu. You can customize the Start Menu in Windows 11 using Windows Settings and some other given options. It is possible to add or remove ...
Regardless, if you intend to have more options to tweak the Windows 11 Start menu, you can try out this Windhawk mod that allows users to customize it. This mod is dubbed Windows 11 Start Menu ...
Moreover, it is also very easy to customize the Start menu of Windows 10 and Windows 11 OS. But for those who are looking for a change and need some alternative to Windows 11/10 Start menu ...
Windows 11 is scheduled to release around the end of this year, with many hints pointing towards an October time frame. However, for those eager to get their hands on the operating system ahead of ...
If implemented, this option could change how pinned apps are displayed in the Start menu. Tweet (opens in a new tab) Windows 11 provides users with three layout options for the Start menu ...
Windows 11's Start menu has a new feature called "Send files", which allows you to drag and drop files to your Android phone.
Another intriguing change that we can expect to Windows 11’s Start menu soon is when you right-click on an app pinned there, you’ll see new ‘jump lists’ that pop up. As explained by ...
The big picture: Many people continue to complain about the Start menu in Windows 11. While Microsoft has rolled out several updates, they arguably still don't match the beloved Windows 10 version ...