Shaun Shipley was not impressed with Birmingham council's repair job after his home was flooded following torrential four ...
A BUNGALOW with a “dangerous” drive between the front doors of neighbouring homes is set for approval after it was to be formally rejected.
Norwich City Council is looking to combat anti-social behaviour by installing new security doors at blocks of flats around the city.
The proposed alterations for West Lodge, on Cloch Road, include enlarging the front and side elevation roof light, altering ...
A disabled south London tenant was confined largely to his living room for eight years after a council failed to make his ...
Residents claim they were given barely given any notice when a council worker turned up at their door and returned three days ...
Looking to downsize, Paul Cathcart and his wife Jane bought a pigeon-infested property in a state of complete disrepair ...
As part of the ambitious Bristol City Leap project, over 28,000 social housing properties will receive crucial energy-saving ...