The artifacts, including a rare musket, will be part of a permanent exhibit dedicated to the Revolutionary War.
Black History Month is the perfect time to acquaint your family and yourself with some of the many African American historical sites that dot the South.
Quick: Where are “idiots” not allowed to vote? Plus 49 other odd, outrageous, or revealing tidbits about America's 50 states.
Plans are for the weekend of Feb. 21-23 to include a massive spike in traffic on Powell Pond Road, with the annual Battle of ...
The bitter opponents of the Republican Party in the South, on the contrary, are constantly fomenting strife and discord by intimidating, assailing, maiming or killing citizens. The number of killed ...
Many New Yorkers can attest to the countless hidden gems scattered throughout the city. Onedestination in particular, ...
Since 1996, conflict in eastern DRC has led to approximately six million deaths. The First Congo War (1996–1997) began in the wake of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, during which ethnic Hutu ...