A brightly colored bill can be one of the best clues when identifying birds, and red-beaked species are some of the most ...
The back shows 2 rows of whitish or yellow-buff spots or bars, but this patterning is very limited in northern birds. Adult: red head and breast, pale yellow belly, back black with geographically ...
R ecently I had a wonderful opportunity to study and photograph a pair of red-headed woodpeckers nesting in an old tree and feeding their young. All of this happened because a reader of this ...
The striking black-and-yellow western tanager, with its bright red head, is one of the more characteristic summer species of western pine forests. Although brightly plumaged, it can be quite ...
The red-headed woodpecker is an uncommon sight in Minnesota outside of the Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in East Bethel, where researchers have honed-in on dozens of breeding pairs that ...
LESSER spotted woodpeckers are the smallest and rarest of the UK's woodpeckers, but there are still places where you can go and see them.