If you're interested in the science, Dutro explains that means shifting onto a small bone in your trail foot called your ...
The first part of the golf swing is called the takeaway, which initiates the backswing. One of the most common mistakes among club golfers, particularly high- handicappers and beginners ...
The Masters is just around the corner, the weather is steadily getting warmer and the sirens of golf are beckoning every golfer to play. If you haven’t been one of the luckier ones who have ...
Have you been told that you cast the club in the middle of your downswing? Have you scratched your head wondering what good that information will be for you if you don’t know how to change ...
Tour pros are exceptional wedge players because they control their distance so well, but you don’t need to spend hours on the ...
Is there a lot to fitting clubs? “Oh, yes. We’ll give a recommendation about what makes the most sense. If you came in with heavy steel shafts and can’t swing fast enough, one of the recommendations ...