Due to damage their village incurred during back-to-back hurricanes, after more than a century, Egmont Key’s harbor pilots ...
The Tla'amin First Nation and forestry giant Domtar have reached an agreement for the nation to reacquire a large portion of ...
Scott Lewis’ retirement from Orange’s Planning and Zoning Commission/Architectural Board of Review was short-lived. On ...
Lawmakers in France have overwhelmingly backed a bill making it easier to open bars in villages - a move aimed at reviving ...
The Mundelein Village Board pulled two agenda items from its meeting tonight related to a massive development planned for ...
French lawmakers on Monday passed a bill intended to bring back cafés and bars to remote countryside areas, saying the ...
Jeb Allen said D.R. Horton decided not to build out the Shastina Ranch neighborhood, so the lots came back to Palomar ...
France's rural areas have seen the number of its cafés drop in the last few decades. The lower house of Parliament passed a ...