Assistive Technology (AT) is technology used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. Assistive technology can include mobility ...
AI-powered voice recognition software is helping my career as a journalist and my studies, but it's not without risks.
The Technology Committee first published a list of assistive technology in legal practice back in September 2021, and this list has now been updated to take account of some recent advancements in ...
The Assistive Technology Lab is your primary resource for accommodated ... and workshops on accessible technologies for educational materials. The Disability Cultural Center Social Space is a great ...
The NATRC is a statewide project of the Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities (NCED), at the University of Nevada, Reno. As part of the Nevada Assistive Technology Collaborative the NATRC ...
Across the country, many children with disabilities are left behind—not because they lack ability, but because they lack support. A recent “South Asia Regional Makeathon for Assistive Technology” in ...
All technologies are assistive, but assistive technology will clearly level the field, as well as leverage the abilities of persons with disabilities to live a more independent and fulfilling lives.
Mr. Kramer has worked in assistive technology, disability, information systems and accessible media for more than 25 years. From 1997-2012 he worked with Disability Services at CU-Boulder, ...
Free and Low Cost Assistive Technology that you can download straight to your personal device! Search programs and applications such as screen readers, speech to text technology, note taking tools and ...
Depending on your needs, you may benefit from the following Assistive Technology resources. There are many free options to have your digital course materials read aloud. Please see some of the popular ...
Text-to-speech is a type of assistive technology that converts text into speech. records audio as it transcribes in real time. You can highlight and edit the text as you go or after the ...
Assistive Technology is the term used for specialist equipment or computer software, which allows you to increase the quality and consistency of your work. If you have a disability or long-term ...